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  • Welcome to the Army Republic! We are one of the biggest and longest running armies in all of Club Penguin. We have two simple goals; to be the biggest we can possibly be, and to have fun!

    We hope you join us on our adventures on Club Penguin!

    -Army Republic Leaders

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Lolly’s epic Final Retirement Post

Well, It was lit fam.

I had a fun time in my almost 5 years of being in armies.

I hope you’re glad that AR was my favourite army, and my first one.

I feel the need to write about my friends in the community, as I most likely wouldn’t be where I am without them.

122344a – My longest known friend in the community, as I’ve known him basically from the beginning, and I’m glad I still get to speak to him to this day.

SairaL – One of my first friends from the 2015 era, who I still speak to along with a lot of my other friends from this era.

Pepper – One of my close friends who I speak to nearly everyday, and I’m glad to still have.

Memebean – One of my friends from early 2016, who I’m thankful to still be able to speak to.

this is borung heck


yank , subs , burr , vinny , dani , alisa , popilupa , sugarsweetz , Mr Geggie, charcoal , holden , golden , murphy , percy , pg , roy , ragerobot , nugget , lin-manuel miranda , madotsuki ,  help , wembley , tripy, lord pain , videogames121 , flame , oli/flaem jr , benji the rat slayer , memebean’s mom , sai’s friend lily , krystal , soph , poss , you!!

i had fun being in ar and other armies

mostly ar

the others werent as memorable

sorry mates

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Rubber ducky, you’re the one. You make bathtime lots of fun! Rubber ducky I’m awfully fond of you!


Rubber duckie, joy of joys, when I squeeze you, you make noise!

Rubber duckie, you’re my very best friend, it’s true!

I got my rubber duckie, I’m in the tub with bubblies, he isn’t very fuzzy. I know my duckie loves me. Call up my homie Ernie, the orange one you heard me! Yeah he is the best, and I’m on a quest to get him in here early. I need that duckie with me, I’ll have a bathtime it’s a- gonna be iffy, if I don’t see him man I wont be nifty. Oh, I’m just feelin’ dirty, so I guess I’m gettin’ wordy, where’s that duckie man? I need him here right now, squeeze him, you heard me.

Rubber duckie, I’m awfully fond of you!

cool song i hope you enjoy because i wrote it out just for you ❤

TOBOGGIAN, AR Capital- In a truly unexpected turn of events, two Army Republic legends have brought their return to an abrupt end that has left a huge hole in the Army Republic.

Two AR legends, Vinny and Burr, after leading the Army Republic through its ups and downs, have officially retired from the newly revived AR, even though this may stunt the new army’s growth, putting in place the duo of Garrett and Lord Jay on the throne. With these leaders, we will have to see how exactly the Army Republic will do after this Brobdingnagian blow to the army.

The aforementioned Army Republic has two brand new leaders, Lord Jay and Garrett, who many may call inexperienced in leading a major army, have already appointed two new owners to help them, in which were addressed in a post which follows:

Today, me and Gar, the newest leaders to the Army Republic will be giving our former Marshal Commander’s spots to two other mods, and we have one member promotion to mod for now. Both these new owners have been in the army for a long time, both of them being former owners from last gen. The member being promoted, has done a lot for this generation already, and was in last generation as well. Now, I’m not going to make this post a 300 word post so let’s just get down to who these three people are. The new Marshal Commander’s and new mod are….
These are the new people added to new ranks, the people who are in those ranks, currently are still there (being mods).
Dark Lords: Garrett, Lord Jay

Marshal Commander (2ic): Frigido, Poke

Regimental Commander: Jray27222/ColdBlight

According to the two new leaders, they did not want to make a post that regarded their recent inauguration, and just stated that they were two of the newest Army Republic. They also gave the rank of Marshal Commander (2ic) to two mods, Frigido and Poke, the former a decorated AR veteran.

Along with the new owners, Garrett and Lord Jay have also established a recruiting force in the wake of their recent establishment as leader in a post on the official website which follows:

As you know, we can’t get anywhere without the awesome members we have in this army. But, we need not just the members, but new CP recruits as well. In the coming weeks, I will be choosing a few very trusted moderators, as well as some members, to participate in our Army of the Republic Recruiting Force. If you are interested in being apart of the ARRF, then please contact Garrett or Lord Jay on chat or comment down below. The ranks will be as follows:

The Army Republic, after Vinny and Burr leaving the army, required new methods of recruiting, and a recent trend in recruiting, “recruiting forces,” seemed to be the answer to that. However uncertain recruiting may be, one thing is for sure; they both wish to become great AR leaders like Burr and Vinny were.

Burritodaily first joined the Army Republic in 2010, and to this day has given them his loyalty. Some claim that he is, alongside Vinny, the greatest Army Republic leader. He has led the Army Republic to the top spot on the Top Ten multiple times, along with consistent candidacy for becoming a legend; something he achieved not too long ago. Vinny, being another legendary AR leader, has also led the army to great heights.


Interview with Lord Jay, AR Leader

CPAC: How do you think the loss of these two leaders will affect the army?

Jay: In my opinion, it wont effect us too badly. Burr and Vinny are staying in AR, to be “Active Advisors” as they call it. They are going to try to make events like a regular soldier, but without the recruiting and leading events.

CPAC: How do you think the Army Republic will perform in the near future?

Jay: I think that the Army Republic will thrive for a while, and then eventually Vinny or Burr will close it. But that is eventually and not any time soon.

CPAC: How exactly will you and Garrett101 keep the Army Republic in its prime form?

Jay: Me and Gar already have plans on what we are going to do next. I think having plans and a set schedule on what you are going to do next will greatly improve AR.


According to Jay, the army will not be affected that much due to them, Burr and Vin, taking positions as advisers. He is very optimistic about how the army will do after the loss of the two legends. He also stated that he believes that the Army Republic will “thrive” for a while, and will eventually be closed by the two legends, Burr and Vinny. Jay seems highly optimistic, and judging from what he said, believes that there is no way for his plan to fail. As stated before, only time can tell how this exactly will play out in the coming weeks, but one thing is for sure; Burritodaily and Vinny will be greatly missed by the soldiers of the Army Republic.


What do YOU think? Will the Army Republic ever recover? What will happen to Burr and Vinny? Tell us what YOU think!


CPA Central Reporter

I expect nobody to leave the army because of my retirement. Let my departure make no difference to AR’s success. I’ll tell ya, for the past 3 weeks, AR has been led with little to no contributions made by me. You’ve seen what you can do without me, now you just have to build on that and take this army to great heights. 

Click ‘Continue Reading’ to read my full retirement post.

3 long years of hard work, dedication, and exhilarating battles. 3 years of running home after school to take part in a battle, spending countless hours helping my army as best as I could. After 2 previous retirement posts, this will be my 3rd and final retirement post I will ever make. Today, June 11th, 2016 marks the day I retire from the Army Republic and depart from the CP Army Community.

I’ll tell ya, writing your last retirement post you will ever make is not the easiest task. It has to be nothing less then absolute excellence. People expect a well written, grammatically correct, and crisp post that outlines one’s accomplishments and acknowledges the people that impacted him/her. However, after reading dozens of retirement post and trying to formulate the perfect one for myself, I realize that ultimately, this post is honestly insignificant. It will never share the true story of how Armies were basically my childhood since I entered middle school with the Blizzard Warriors up until almost Senior Year in high school where I’ve stuck with one sole army for 3 years, the life long friends I’ve made, the hilarious moments that will forever be remembered. But you know what, I’ll try my best.


It all began in 2011, I was I’d say 10 or 11 running around through club penguin wearing all orange colors. I was literally running through rooms, dressed in all orange, chanting “WHAT AM I?” and people would say “Orange!” or something. I would reply with a “No, I’m a  carrot!” and I’ll never forget the day I met these 2 people that were the foundation for starting it all for me. One of the room’s I kept going back to was the plaza, and there was a small group of players. Sonick64 and Bluey are the only two that I can remember of. They would always socialize with me every time I ran through chanting “WHAT AM I?” Eventually, they invited me to come to their hangout chat which I would find out to be Xat. The group was called exactly as that penguin’s name, Sonic64. I spent about a year in that chatgroup, there I created countless memories, and even met my true best friend on xat, Classfied333 or as many of you know, ColdBlight.

It was 2012 when I randomly decided to log on CP when I saw that sonic was on. I quickly pressed the follow button on his player card to see where he was, and so I followed. I found him only to be wearing light blue colors, with blue paint on his penguin holding a hockey stick. I found it pretty funny seeing him dressed like that as he always had modern looking clothes on with his penguin that had many rare items and such. He told me to come with him and so I did. He took me to the snow forts where there was a group of penguins all dressed exactly like sonic was, and so I followed along and put on the most similar clothing to what they wearing and just joined in. We did smiles, bombs, and I found it really fun. Now I didn’t know it at the time but, it turned out that the group of penguins I was with were the Blizzard Warriors Army. Once the event was over, I quickly went on the chat to get some questions answered. That’s when Sonic told me all about BW and armies in general. In theory, it could be said that Sonic64 was the one who landed me on the path of armies and I’m grateful for that.


After a month or two of being in the Blizzard Warriors and hanging out on sonic’s chat, I decided to leave BW and explore the reaches of this newly found community I found. However before that, a user that went by the name of Classified333 came on to our chat. He was a very odd person but we found him funny as he talked about pokemon a lot and just brought comedy to our chat room. I got to know him personally, and I told him all about how I joined the Blizzard Warriors and how the battles were great and all. After hearing that I was going to embark on my journey to a new army he was persistent on asking if he could come along with me. There seemed nothing wrong with it to me, so I let it happen and so me and Classified would take part on this journey together and man I can say it was a hell of a ride. The first army I remember me and him joining was the Cowboys of CP. They were an extremely fun group of friendly users. We had the best of times and got good sizes of 10-12 on CP. Sadly though, the leader went inactive for some reason and that led to the eventual death and shutdown of the Cowboys. Later on I believe that we moved onto the Lightning Strikers where there we also had some fun times but nothing close to what we experienced with the Cowboys.

Leaving LS, me and Class felt we had enough experience and thought we had enough dedication to create our own army. After days of thinking of a good name, we decided to go with the Galaxy Troopers. Sure enough we bought some GFX from SkySoon Graphics and with a little bit of work, we had a website, and a chat to start our journey to what was looking like the beginning of a legendary army. Sadly though, the experience that we thought could take us to great heights led us only to sizes of 3-5 on CP at best. About a week or two past when we decided to shut the army down.

After GT, me and class just kind of went our separate ways, dissapointed in the turnout of our newly created army. Class went on to join the Miners of CP while I joined the Pirates. At the time the pirates were being led by none other than, Waterkid! I rose through the ranks pretty quickly and somehow, I don’t know how I did it but I managed to get leader of the Pirates Army. Of course, my leadership there was a complete failure with the experience I had and I just ended up resigning and leaving.

To sum it up, the early portion of 2013 was me and Class joining multiple armies. You could call us Hoppers, but every army which me and him joined we put forth our best effort in the events and in any way we could of helped. Summer 2013 came and that’s where a journey that would last 3 years would start.


Eventually, me and Class started talking again and became good friends again. The perfect partnership was back on and we set sail for a new army. This time, we took our time looking for a good army. We couldn’t find a suitable army even through countless hours of researching armies. One day, while I was on CP just killing time I found a massive group of penguins, all wearing ghost costumes chanting “AR AR AR AR” My instincts were to put the ghost costume on, and join in. Tactics, bombs, and formations were nearly perfect. I had never experienced such a thrilling event in my life. After the event was over I was left dancing by my self not knowing it was over (lol) I quickly searched up the only term I saw them chant which was “AR” and put CP at the end of it. I found their website which was beautifully designed and the layout of it was simply perfect to put it into words. I relayed the news to Class and got him to join with me. From that moment on, I became a Sith Initiate and embarked on a journey that would last almost 3 years.

Little did I know that 2013 was the all time golden age for AR and a few other armies. If you don’t believe me, here are just a few samples of what AR looked like in the summer of 2013.

AR after the Summer of 2013

Long story short, Burr really held the army together after Vinny’s retirement. The AR from 2013 will never be forgotten and I am truly proud that I was apart of that era.


A great season with AR in 2013 had me on a leash until AR started declining. My memory is very bad, so I only remember short instances of 2013. Basically Burrito retired a little before 2013 ended and as espected, AR’s fall was imminent. With low sizes and poor leadership, my motivation to keep going dwindled and I ended up retiring that year. I took an entire year off, yes, all of 2014 I was abstinent from armies and all of CP armies. I was devastated by AR’s fall. I spent the majority of 2014 playing Roblox, where that also played a big role in my childhood but not nowhere near CP. Near the end of 2014 is when I believe me and Class returned to create yet another army, this time naming it none other than the Shadow Vikings. I bought some sick animated GFX for it and together we brought the site alive and had the chat room ready for new recruits to filled with. However, after a few days of desperately trying to get a good event in, nothing worked and I actually ended up deleting the site in anger. After a serious of failures creating a second army and countless of other armies that I joined, I retired once more and left armies for what I though was for good.


For the majority of 2015, I remained retired and didn’t come back until late 2015. Near the end of summer, 2 weeks before school to be precise, I decided why not check up on how the greatest army that I had ever joined was, AR. I came only to find an active and successful AR maxing good sizes of 15-30. Soon enough, I ended up rejoining the ranks of the republic empire. I witnessed a perfect duo leadership take place that consisted of Austin and Burr, both well known legends of the Army Republic. However, after Austin retiring and Burr simply not having enough time to lead, AR was put on lock down. I was definitely sad, but I wasn’t going to retire again and just come back later on. I had met a guy named Victory889 during that time in AR, he was a great down to earth person and I considered him a good friend. He proposed an offer to me after AR’s lock down. He had an army that he created which was called the Navy Troopers. After giving me the link to the website I saw snippets of it and was intrigued nonetheless. His offer was to help him lead the army with him. I accepted seeing the potential that this army had and so I went a long with it. Navy Troopers were a really good army honestly, me and Vic led them to 1st on SMAP and SMAC while for the first time getting them to 10th place on the CPAC top ten. It was a great moment for us.

However, to reach our full potential we knew that we need that recruiting script that at the time was Mercury. We kindly asked burr for it and he supplied the link to the program for us. We hardly knew how to work the thing, but with utter determination we got the program to work and got our recruiting regiment up and running. We started to attain more recruits at every event, we got better at making our own recruiting phrases. But then a staircase of opportunity hit us hard. We were on the brink of creating a golden age in the Navy Troopers when suddenly Burr, brought me, Vic, and DMT who at the time was leading his own army, Armed Forces, to a secret chat room. That day seriously changed my life, burr gave us all the opportunity to lead the history Army Republic Army.

Obviously all 3 of us accepted the offer. However I assure you that absolutely none of us knew what problems, walls, and barrier we were going to encounter, especially me. About two months of leading the army, everything seemed like it was going quite slow. We were pulling 15+ at best averaging 8-10 at events. Little did I know, that DMT and Vic were both going to go inactive for a full 2 weeks. Those 2 weeks of utter disappointing events and sizes really broke me down mentally. But man was it challenging as hell. Any normal leader would of called it quits and shut the army down. But me? No. I sticked with it hoping for further reinforcements came, and they did. A player by the name of Flame came along and offered to help the army for the 3 days he was going to be active on CP. Me being desperate I gave him the Okay and promoted him to 2ic right away. From that moment forward, Flame caused the short but initial rise of AR by getting us Active again. He held an event when we hadn’t had one in a week, he led events with sheer determination and put his heart into each event. He held it down for us for a solid month until then getting promoted to leader by me. But before that, the sad truth was that Vic and DMT were simply not active and the army wanted them out of the leadership position. We held an owner wide meeting to discuss what we would do with them, and sure enough they were demoted for their failure to stay active.

A few months passed and we had hit a platoe. As active and determined we were, we weren’t getting anything above 15+. Our morale was dwindling and we were in desperate need for help. That’s when God sent the angel, Burr down from the heavens to revive AR to it’s former glory. It was truly an honor to know that I would be leading alongside one of, if not the best leader AR has ever seen. Right away we saw a change in size. We went from 15+ to 20+, to getting sizes of 25-30 within the first month of November. It was truly a thrilling ride and we though that nothing could stop us. Then DW came. I forget the reason and I don’t feel like researching on the topic, but basically we went into war with them and basically demolished them. All the shit talking and flame post from freezy and them were all crushed on the battlefield by us. We ended up creating a peace treaty with them seeing as they wouldn’t surrender, but deep down we knew who really won that war.

Then came a new challenge. The army that had been 1st by nearly the entire year of 2015, the controversial figurehead DCP.

We were fully aware of the threat which was DCP. We knew what they did behind the scenes and there was multiple special reports about them made way before we went to war with them. A long time of shit talking. flame post, threats, and hacking, we declared war on them. Man did they make the biggest mistake of their life because we went into the DCP war headstrong and completely demolished them. I remember the time where we had a back to back to back event! We literally spent 1 hour and 30 minutes chasing DCP down to multiple servers because they wanted a good picture for the Top 10. Every room change, every tactic, they couldn’t move their multilogs fast enough! I really had a ton of fun watching us destroy them and crash their shockwaves only to see 10-15 penguins log off at the same time. Memories man.

I would show you a picture of what the DCP/AR war looked like but I realized that our entire media for the year for 2015 has been erased.


After DCP surrendered the war. Burr and Candy both went back into retirement, leaving the reigns of the army to be lead by Me, Flame, And Trippy. Things went well for a while, definitely not the 30-40+ sizes we saw in december but we maintained a solid force of 20+ for the majority of events we held. Sadly though, a series of procrastinating on my schoolwork and not studying for tests led to me having nearly 4 F’s on my report card. I had to retire, it was unexpected but it happened. Beforehand though, Trippy ended up retiring before me leaving me and Flame to lead the army in a duo leadership. We were ready and exited to be the best Duo leadership AR had seen since VinDaily but not even I knew that I was going to retire that soon.

Flame was left to lead alone, and he did fairly well for himself. He kept the army alive and got some good events in here and there but leading by himself with no help definitely took a toll on him. He ended up leaving and appointing Help and Lolly to the leadership position. Everything happened so suddenly that the army took a terrible fall that no one expected after the success we had in December. I spent all of January retired, having no involvement in Armies at all, fully focusing on my studies. February came and I had brought my grades up to decent standards to where I actually started having some spare time on my hands. I decided that I would return to the Republic as an advisor and help out the crumbling leadership. Little by little I started recruiting for them and gave them any advice I could give them based off what I saw burrito doing in December. Soon enough, we saw the army slowly recuperating and getting back up on it’s feet. Burr had been monitoring the site views and the army’s activity and turned to me as the only viable reason for it. He knew it was me, and so he kindly asked me to return as leader asking for nothing more then what I was already doing as an advisor.

I accepted the offer knowing that I didn’t want to return to lead until the summer but I said F it. Now I went in knowing that burr wasn’t asking a lot from me but being the person that I am, I always set high standards from me. I took AR as a full time thing and took them from abysmal sizes of 5-10 to consistent sizes of 15+. I don’t want to go into full detail about this time in AR because most of you reading this have witnessed it your self. But in short, these pictures summarize my leadership coming back from my January retirement:

I didn’t achieve this all by myself though. I will never take full credit for any of the above pictures. All of that, and every single successful event AR has always had has been because of teamwork. When wheelo came back to lead the UK division during spring break, that really boosted my determination because I knew he would pick our UK division back up. Yank and Slip are also great leaders who know what they are doing and even though they aren’t the most active of leaders, whenever those two link up during an event, it’s crazy good and they good amazing sizes. Morale of the story, I attribute my success to every single leader, owner, moderator, and recruit who showed up to every battle, and fought a strong hard war with me.


Leading AR has truly been an honor for me and it should be taking with great pride to any future leader of the republic. One thing that I’ve learned in these last couple of months leading, is that really the whole point of armies, events, battles, wars, etc. Is to have fun. You know I think that’s the main reason why the community is in a “Decline”. We all focus on a stupid Top 10 list that gets updated every week for a simple Rank that doesn’t even scratch the surface on what some of today’s leaders have to go through in order to get a spot on that list. I’ve led through some events of us just fooling around, playing at the puffle park or going down the slides at the cove. All of that represents what armies are truly about and what they were made for, to have fun. If I could leave the leaders, and the entire AR staff with some words of wisdom, it would be just that. Have fun.

I know that you guys really wanted me to give some shoutouts, but there’s way too many people for me to give an individual shout out to so i’ll only list the people who have impacted my leading career by a large margin.

A – You served as one of the greatest mentors to me. You gave me actual helpful advice and prevented me from retiring early. And you also taught me how to code in Binary! 😀

Burr – My teacher, my mentor, and my friend. It was an honor leading beside you and learning everything you had to teach. Without you none of the things I’ve achieved would have happened. My dream was to surpass you, but it didn’t happen. You are truly a legend in my eyes.

Wheelo – A strong willed, young mind capable of taking AR to great heights. You literally took the UK division from maxing 0 to 12 in 1 day. Keep it up man, this summer is yours.

Slip & Yank – You guys are some of the finest leading duo’s I’ve seen in a while. Together you two lead the US division perfectly. I’m honestly proud to leave AR with so much potential at hand, it’s your job to unlock that and use it to your advantage.

Ant – Another young leader. You’ve been my right hand man since early 2016 and you’ll always be one of my best friends. You have a lot of potential man, keep it up.

That about sum’s it up for the shoutouts. Again, everyone who has helped me even a little deserves a spot on this list, but I don’t want this post to drag so I’ll be ending it here. These final words that I’m typing will mark the end of an Era. And just like Ace’s death marked a significant point in one piece, so will mine. Only this will benefit AR, instead of ruining them.

AR is truly home. Treat it like it s your home, your private sanctuary blocked from the toxic cancers of the community. We’ve survived for more then 1 year being alive now, don’t let it end here. Work hard, put your heart, soul, blood sweat and tears to this army and this game, because once 3D penguin rolls out, things will be a lot different and it will be up to you to adapt to the situation. And with this I’m done dragging this post.

This is, Goodbye.

x Ace, Signing off.

AR Forever.

8 Responses

  1. i was glad to have you guys as friends for these 4-5 years!!!
    thanks for reading this depth of hell haha
    bonus image!!! thank you guys: http://prnt.sc/eoh9kv


  2. my god l read this post for 203838933$2047024$2037397038997302389844839 hours. you’re so damn good at this! 😂 but yeah, l feel so left out when you didn’t even mention me. l know we didn’t talk much but just remember that we had our fun times in AR that time before we talked like sometimes


  3. reading this was equivalent to suicide

    Liked by 1 person

  4. holy post

    It was a pleasure leading you throughout the years Lolly! Good luck in life.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. If u read dis carefully u will see some bang c:


  6. forgotten I was


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