• Site Stats

    • 558,727 Ghosts have joined our empire.
  • Welcome to the Army Republic! We are one of the biggest and longest running armies in all of Club Penguin. We have two simple goals; to be the biggest we can possibly be, and to have fun!

    We hope you join us on our adventures on Club Penguin!

    -Army Republic Leaders

  • Follow Army of the Republic | Welcome to the Ghosts | on WordPress.com

A post to avoid being archived.

It’s been awhile since I’ve done any kind of typing on wordpress, probably 5 years. But yeah, it’s really me as you knew me, Vinny. The title of the post is pretty straight forward and Burito told us apparently that wordpress is archiving inactive websites and I would rather not have this website archived because I will always want the ability to look back at the things we did. Random sidebar, if I had the site in the first place it would have never been defaced and we’d still be able to track things from 2009 easily. But we have what we have and I took part in all of it so I can’t be too mad.

For those of you I’ve had the privilege of knowing and leading through the years of CP armies, I hope you’re doing well and life is treating you well. Specifically you guys in AR because you all made it fun and a worthwhile experience. Hopefully you guys are positively contributing to society in some way or another and being kind to others despite our many differences. Unless you just gotta pop on somebody, then do what you gotta do, handle your business.

Anyways this is longer than I originally wanted it to be so, peace y’all.



Edit: Former soldiers will most likely be accepted so if you want to join, don’t hesitate to email or ask around on Discord to see if someone can notify an admin that you want to join.

Doubt anyone will read this, but I’ve noticed that multitudinous other armies have resorted to Discord and are making their servers public. I’d like to state that AR has had a Discord server since March, but it is not open to the public. However, if you’d like to be a part of it please e-mail yofreduthere123@gmail.com your username and whether or not you were a part of AR. From there myself and other admins on the server will decide whether or not to let you in.

The End

It is claimed that the grand concept of camaraderie and teamwork thrives when a common goal is present. Here in AR, that objective has been mutual between the scores of AR’s members throughout each generation that has passed. This goal was not to be the largest, most significant army within the CPA community, it was to positively impact as many lives as possible while simultaneously providing many with support and assisting in the development of friendships. After observing AR for a seemingly infinite span of time, I feel that I am able to safely corroborate the claim that we have met our goal.

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Lolly’s epic Final Retirement Post

Well, It was lit fam.

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The End of The Republic

Edit: This is not an official closure post. That will be released on March 29th.

*Special thanks to Fluffy Sheep, Sai, Meme, Lolly, and Posy for helping 122344a invite an astounding amount of individuals to this reunion*

Hello, for the first time in awhile, but for the last time, AR.

Today we logged on to Toboggan to invade it for the last time from SWAT. It is now ours forever, as today is the last day AR is alive. With the shut down of Club Penguin, we figured we would invade our prized server we have held close to for the last 5 years. We easily got 55 on CP, and got very close to 60, then sizes fell off a little bit due to the bots who raided our event. Additionally, our chat had hit 70-75  users online at one point, causing it to be divided into two pools. I would just like to shoutout Silverbug(Left the r out of his name because he doesn’t deserve it) for bringing stupid bots to our final event. General Fury scared away the bots from Toboggan as we claimed victory and we decided to switch servers to Southern Lights to continue our event.

I would like to say, I am very happy to have been a leader to all of you when I was in my prime. Believe it or not I learned so much from being in this army and leading you all. I saw many old faces today and to be honest it was quite refreshing and nostalgic. It brought the memories back, the memories of the time this community was actually fun. It is sad though that people still have nothing better to do with their lives than to ruin an army’s last event. But like in our golden days, we found ways to still have our event. Thank you to everyone who participated, you guys rock. Here are the pictures of today’s event, and for the last time, this is Vinny, AR Legend.



~ Vinny, AR Legend

The Final Event/Reunion TODAY!

Hi AR, this is just a reminder that our final event/reunion is TODAY!

The Final Event

Date: Saturday, March 25th, 2017 [TODAY]


Starting at 1:00pm PST

Starting at 2:00pm MST

Starting at 3:00pm CST

Starting at 4:00pm EST

Starting at 9:00pm UK




We have noticed that conventional ways to gain back control of our capital have been futile so we have resorted to using a SPECIAL kind of battle. Since it’s our last days as an army, Saime wanted to try out something different to make things a bit more groovy.


The Rules:

  1. Each army will pick their top 5 best dancers to partake in this hoedown
  2. The song will be simple, “The Generic Way” on medium difficulty simply because it’s accessible to both members and non-members
  3. Each player will screenshot their score (full screen) at the end of the game and send it to a judge who will add up all of the 5 player’s scores and determine the winner.
  4. In the event of a tie, we will do a different song at medium difficulty.
  5. If one army doesn’t show up, autowin to the one who does.
  6. No purple puffles as they will grant a point advantage.

    MARCH 24RD, 2017-

    !! DANCE BATTLE !!

    Server: TOBOGGAN|| Room: DANCE CLUB


    5:00 pm PST

    6:00 pm MST

    7:00 pm CST

    8:00 pm EST


-Sai Heifer and TheMemeBean


Memes with Memebean 8 [GRAND FINALE]

This is it, you guys! 8 weeks of memes from this lil JokeLegume with guest appearances from Sai!

It’s been great making these and I hope y’all had fun reading them. 8 weeks of memes was a lot to make, but you haven’t seen anything until you take a gander at the ones made for today.

Scroll down and enjoy, dudes!

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Invasion of Toboggan

We attempted to take back Toboggan from SWAT, yet we were unsuccessful. Max of 10. Thanks to Alisa and Coqui for the clicks!

We’ll get it next time, guys! I believe in us!

Your final Mission

As you are all obviously aware by now, Saturday will be AR’s big finale. The current soldiers and leaders have done well maintaining AR since the big three’s final departures, but I’m calling on you guys one last time before we send this great army off.

Recently, that one army that comes back every other month (SWAT) had the audacity to invade Toboggan a matter of mere days before we shut down. The idea of AR shutting down without laying claim to its capital of four years is, of course, unacceptable. Believe me, we’ve kicked SWAT’s ass numerous times in the past, (they usually served as a warm up before we took on some more formidable opponents) but obviously times have changed and AR isn’t in shape for war.

That is why I’m calling on you guys to invade and ensure you maintain control of Toboggan before we finally say goodbye. I don’t care what you have to do. If you have to invade it 5 times in two days, or whatever… Toboggan is AR’s and it will belong to us in its final hours.

You guys have done wonders for this army the last two years, but now it is time to finish what so many of us started and paved for you. Thank you.