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Poor Decisions, Poor Future, or No Future

Mikey, you may be the dumbest person to ever lead an army in the last 5 years. And that’s a big list to beat out. sostupid

Burr: I should mention this now, from Sunday to Thursday I’m going to be really busy since it’s the end of the school year for me. This may be a good thing as I ca’t have you guys rely on me too heavily. If I’m not there, just remember this. RPF has horrible tactics and struggles to get any of their troops to log on. Never loose hope, and don’t simply accept defeat because they told you too. Be headstrong and determined  Good luck. 

Burr: RPF, you are now facing one of the most war dominant armies to surface in recent years. With our one army rule leaving troops at absolute top loyalty and determination  you will feel the wrath the Republic has set out for you. 

Hello AR, and the RPF scum who read this post!

Today is the day that two legendary armies will be at war, and we’re looking to kill and destroy RPF once and for all. I don’t care if Commando is there, me coming from UMA as my first army, I hate RPF, there’s history behind why and I can tell you the story later. But now we’re going to war with them and not alone. We can handle them alone in a 1v1 war, but they don’t deserve to be in a fair war for the nonsense they cause at our events. Even at the raid they chose to bring bots, and try to frame us as the ones using bots when we all know it is Elmikey from RPF. Well there will be our invasions below the message to RPF, so read on for the information AR!


Message to RPF: 

You put this on yourselves. You shouldn’t have came to the event with bots, and sabotage our events. Things like this are causes of war, and as of now you have two armies declaring war on you, and when we take your servers, explain to me how you’re going to defend and bounce back from that? You won’t, the rebellion will finally be put to rest. I won’t be accepting any peace treaties from any of you.

❗ Invasion ❗ 


Sunday, June 2nd

11 PST, 12 MST, 1 CST, 2 EST, 7 GMT(Friendly, try to make it!)


❗ Invasion ❗ 


Monday, June 3rd

4 PST, 5 MST, 6 CST, 7 EST 

❗ Comment on which ones you can and can’t come to ❗ 

22 Responses

  1. I should be able to come to both.


  2. I should make both!


  3. Both I think.


  4. mmmmaybe


  5. ILL MAKE THEM D00D!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  6. 1. wont make it
    2. will make it


  7. i think i can make both


  8. Probably wont make either 😥 I’ll try but I doubt the comp will be unpacked and even if it is….Busy week. But after the move…HIGHSPEED INTERNET!!!!!!

    If I can at all get onto my sisters phone during these events I will be in Riffy or a recruiting chat recruiting for whole event.


  9. Ithink i canmake them both


  10. Hey vinny, you prob already know its LilD but just wanna clarify. It’s nice to see someone doing something RPF and you guys working with Nachos and UMA to bring down RPF, it was a great time to come back to CP armies for me. Lol


  11. I must say, this is discusting. Honestly, you think RPF used bots to ruin AR’s event? RPF was created by a rebellion to end unfair cheating in UMA, and now, that RPF is attacked several times by bots, as well as ACP, and obviously, AR, we need to figure this out. I swear on my life it was not RPF, for we have the same issue. Honestly, whoever is doing this is a hell of alot smarter than we’ve expected. Whatever moron is dumb enough to attack their own army as cover-up wouldn’t be able to pull this off. ACP, RPF, AR, Nachos, all attacked by bots, ironic, isn’t it? Elmikey was personally attacked by bots, and with video proof, he was attacked by the same yellow bots that invaded AR’s event, there’s no way he could have coordinated with the bots, when he, himself was attacked by those very bots. Accusing Elmikey of using bots is the same as acusing yourself. Basically, what I mean is if Elmikey were to control those bots, he would have been the one to attack RPF’s event with them. In other words, that’s like acusing yourself of ruining your own event, which isn’t the brightest idea. Honestly, out of all the options there are, ACP, Nachos, AR yourselves, PR? Or just some kid? You choose RPF as the suspect. Really, this is pointless, if you accually do take down RPF, and the bot attacks are still happening because it wasn’t RPF, think before you attack another army. Also, I’ve heard that you wanted to declare war either way, why? Because of Flappy and Elmikey? If they did anything to break AR’s rules, or anything related, please do so in telling me, for they will be punished. Take these things into consideration, there’s no reason for war, no reason for hatred. -Red




  12. 1. I’m pretty sure.
    2. Maybe…


  13. I can definitely come to the one on Sunday, and 50/50 for Monday.


  14. y u invade parka 😥


  15. Burr or Vin, meet me on chat later<3


  16. Most likely I’ll be there on Sunday, but Monday is 50/50.


  17. Coming! TO ALL


  18. I can attend Monday’s event, maaybe Sunday’s. Also, please put me on the ranks, I’ve already attended one event.


  19. Elmikey is nowhere near dumb. You’re putting your opinion above facts.


  20. You are indeed a complete moron,




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