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The “Elmikey” Generation Of RPF

Hello AR. So earlier today, I got a lot of pictures proving just how brainwashed the new generation of RPF is under Elmikey’s rule. The new generation has little to no ability to think for their selves, and will generally believe anything shoved in their face. I’m going to expose Elmikey for the real leader he is. Read on please.

So, earlier today a former RPF soldier asked me to unban him at AR chat so he could share the real Elmikey and the real situation going on in RPF that you don’t hear about on the RPF site or CPAC. Let’s take a look shall we?

So whose “the evil ones” now Elmikey?

Do I even need to begin to explain why this is so wrong…

Looks like his leadership isn’t as “high and mighty” as he claims.

In USRPF, RPF > Reality of life

Not quite the legend he claims to be is he?

Here’s a real RPF soldier, who doesn’t just accept anything shoved in their mouths and thinks for themselves.

This is an RPF moderator.

That is just two soldiers, however, now let’s take a look at the RPF troops who haven’t escaped the shell of Elmikey’s ignorance and just how bad they are truly becoming.

Elmikey’s constant excuse for when RPF performs poorly is either that the enemy was cheating, or he was being DDoS’ed. Never is he truly being DDoS’ed, it’s just what he likes to claim to resist embarrassment from everyone else. He uses these accusations as propaganda against the enemy to back his claim that everyone, but RPF of course, is ‘evil.’ Now, look at this soldier, who at the time was an RPF loyalist, (I say this because in the above picture you can clearly see he is no longer in support of Elmikey) and his views of the ‘evilness’ of DDoSing, doxing, and other topics in that manner. Maybe instead of fighting and accusing everyone else for ‘committing’ these crimes against him, he should stop his own soldiers from committing these crimes themselves.

Elmikey is raising an army of hypocrites. He did not punish Owen for endorsing this behavior.

The only thing that could have been more hilarious than the hypocrisy he exemplified, was his excuse for his actions.

Oh how I laughed at this…

Now have people at AR talked about DDoSing, doxing and hacking? Yes, but so has every other army. Never has a soldier admitted to using any of these methods to solve any of their problems. There’s a fine line between discussion and action and it looks like some of the Elmikey loyalists have crossed it.

Later we have another picture of OwenJP, this time making an obviously misinformed comment on the current AR vs. RPF war. Do I even need to begin about all that is wrong in this picture? He claims AR ignored RPF, when nearly a week before we claimed victory, Elmikey claimed victory and stated that we were ‘no longer an army’ for none other reason than he simply wanted to. Then he abandoned RPF for the next few battles, like he typically does when RPF takes a huge hit. Yet people like OwenJP continued to follow him and listen to whatever lies he stuffed in their brains. Who are really the brainless ‘noobs’ here? At least the AR troops aren’t afraid to use their own head and their own voice.

Even more hypocrisy…

Elmikey also likes to produce some of the worst size inflation seen in armies. From his claims that armies got 2000+ on Club Penguin in 2007, to his claims that 16 soldiers on Club Penguin is the same as 30. This isn’t one of the major problems with Elmikey, but it’s worthy enough to be included in this post of rants.

RPF with a size inflation of nearly 100%…

Now, I know that Elmikey and this one soldier cannot represent all of the USRPF. I truly respect some of the soldiers in the army, however only the soldiers that are loyal to the RPF banner, not the soul leader whose dictation has gone too far. Now, I ask for more soldiers to join those who represent the sane group of RPF. The true Rebel Penguin Federation soldiers who fight for the army and nation itself, not one guy whose soul purpose is to riddle and destroy/kill armies in war. AR never wanted to kill RPF, and our goal still isn’t to do that, however we aren’t going to stop until Elmikey is gone, even if it means an ultimate and unfortunate death for RPF. We still have allies, we still have support, now can those who see as I see please stand up, get Elmikey out of power, and end this damn war?

The only people who can truly change RPF for the better, are those who fight for it right now. There is already resistance, but the resistance needs to step up to the plate. My hopes are that the RPF soldiers read this post, and decide for themselves what they think is better for RPF. Do you guys want RPF to be respected from other armies, or do you want it  to claim the title as ‘the most hated army in Club Penguin.’ Believe me, it doesn’t end well when you have claims to that title. (ACP’s fall of the 2012 Summer) Good luck RPF, this lies in your hands.

Fear The Republic

7 Responses

  1. hey look I’m in a comment on a picture I feel special :O


  2. That GoldPuffleGuy joined RPF a week ago as his first army, and has only been on chat on four occasions (checked the bot logs). You really gonna trust him? He just joined armies, and in total has spent no more than 2 hours on chat.

    As I said before, you criticise us when we use something an AR mod said against you, and now you’re doing the same… except with our lowest member.


  3. PJ I was a actual troop. I was what you would call brainwashed by Elmikey but I escaped it once I got on ACP.


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